Monday, 12 December 2011


The word rookie seems to make one think of...mistakes.  As in they always seem to make them.  But, in the pilot episode, it becomes clear that often a rookie's mistake is the direct result of a training officer's mistake.

Andy ends up arresting an undercover narcotics officer.  One that she encountered during a room by room search of a building.  A search that she was conducting alone.  And why was she alone?  Because her then training officer allowed Andy and another rookie to do a search...because back up had not arrived, and he was busy too.


Giulia said...

uh oh...

hmmm...when you are training anything...isn't that your MAIN priority?

He couldn't have been busier with anything else more important than supervising Andy in her work.

Oh well...even the vets have to learn.


Paul [Daniel] Asuncion, BLUE said...


Yes. The officer's name is Oliver Shaw [played as a cynic, by Matt Gordon] Good cop, but not above a little carelessness. And not the only veteran who, without meaning to, sent a rookie out into traffic...

Giulia said...

Do you think that is a tactic...kicking the birds out of the nest--seeing if any are ready to fly?

Maybe a little too early, however...

Paul [Daniel] Asuncion, BLUE said...


Tactic? No, his mistake was pointed out by another training officer, Sam.