Wednesday, 23 November 2011

QUINPOOL RD, HALIFAX [By Video Difference]--- ABOUT 1AM


Giulia said...

Hi Daniel...

Watcha doin' out at 1 am. ;)

Take care...

Paul [Daniel] Asuncion, BLUE said...


I'll tell you and no one else. I'm a vigilante crime fighter...THE DARK BLOGGER!

Actually, I believe that's a Friday or Saturday. I left one of the university libraries at midnight, retrieved my camera at home, and then parked at that spot.

I was hoping for some video for my blog. Less than 10 minutes later, I spotted flashing lights.

This approach came from my cab driver days. The best way to get a call is to park at a taxi stand, and wait...

Giulia said...

I totally believe it, Dark Blogger! :)))

Is Quinpool Rd a street you shouldn't be parking on? Maybe not the best area of town?


I am glad that the universe aligned and you were able to get good video for your blog. :)

Once I was sitting down in a park and watched a drug bust happen in the parking lot nearby...the undercover police didn't seem to notice the dozens of children playing nearby.

One police officer "debriefed" us after everything calmed down. I guess he saw our mouths hanging wide open and our eyes popping out of heads and thought he should talk to us.

Fun stuff everyday!

Paul [Daniel] Asuncion, BLUE said...


Actually, not a bad area.

"universe aligned"---actually, my 3rd try. The plan was to chill for a half hour, and then leave.

Is that you on the swing? Nice idea for a profile pic--did you use a timer to take it?

You mention your blog. Haven't seen it around.

Giulia said...

Thanks about the profile pic. :) My form of "flying" I guess. :)

The blog? Oh it's getting there...have about 19 entries...but I don't think I will ever make it public, though. Well...maybe one day...but I just don't see how it could be interesting to anyone else.

Waiting for the next post...just don't get accidentally caught up in a sting, Dark Blogger. :)

All the best,